How to Become a Legally Ordained Minister in California:
With the American Fellowship Church the process of becoming an ordained minister / wedding officiant in California is very simple, just read below and follow the instructions. ________________________________________________________________
According to: "Family Code Section 400"
400. Marriage may be solemnized by any of the following who is of the age of 18 years or older: (a) A priest, minister, rabbi, or authorized person of any religious denomination.;... _______________________________________________________________________
1. By becoming an ordained minister with the American Fellowship Church you are a "licensed / ordained minister who is authorized by a religious denomination", in accord with our rules and customs we authorize you (once ordained & in good standing with our church) to solemnize marriages and/or officiate at marriage ceremonies.
2. In order to remain in good standing with the American Fellowship Church you must hold an unexpired minster license ID card, and be in "regular communion." Our definition of regular communion; You must contact us at least 1 time per year, and if any of your contact information should change (your name, physical address, or email) you must notify us within two weeks of the change.
3. In order to become ordained you will need to order an ID Card (minister license). We offer ordination for three different terms:
4. Finally to qualify for ordination with the American Fellowship Church in the state of California you must agree to the Certification, and our Code of Ethics.
While training is not required in order to become ordained with the American Fellowship Church, we do urge our members to learn more about being an ordained minister, therefore we offer a number of online courses that are self paced and written in plain English. If you are interested in training please see "Online Minister Training"
*The information provided on this page is for guidance only it is NOT legal advice.
We currently have many ordained ministers in the state of California.
It is critically important that you verify all information with your local marriage license office / county clerk before conducting a wedding ceremony. It is your responsibility to operate within the bounds of the law.