Issue #6 of the Amercian Fellowship Church Newsletter The Spiritual Scoop is now available. Please send your feedback. Become ordained with the American Fellowship Church. The Spiritual Scoop - Issue #6 //
With the March Issue we had a few "technical difficulties". The Newsletter was written before the Terrible catastrophy in Japan... We will be addressing More about how to help those affected in Japan, in our April Newsletter. We appreciate your comments and thoughts for future issues, if you have something you would like to share [...]
Our latest installment of The Spiritual Scoop, the official newslwtter from The American Fellowship Church February 2011. The Spiritual Scoop Issue 4 - Let There Be Light!
Happy New Year! Issue #3 of The Spiritual Scoop is now available online. Become ordained, and subscribe to the official newsletter of the American Fellowship Church. The Spiritual Scoop - Issue #3
Here is Issue #2 of The Spiritual Scoop, from December 2010. Please feel free to email us if you would like to submit a comment or story for inclusion in a future issue. A huge "Thank You" to Rev. Barbara, for all her effort on the Spiritual Scoop! What a blessing it is for the American [...]