If are ordained with us, and your ordination has expired within the last 2 weeks, or we have invited you, you may order a renewal ID at a discounted rate.
-----> Please email us for a discount code. <-----
If you are new to the American Fellowship Church, and would like to request a Lifetime Ordination please click here to order.
The Lifetime Ordination ID Card is our premier ordination status. By choosing this option you will be ordained for your entire lifetime with the American Fellowship Church (as long as you stay in communion with us).
It is important to remember that we require that you stay in communion with the church. This means that you must contact us at least 1 time per year to let us know what is happening with your ministry and to be certain that we have your current contact information.
Along with the Lifetime ordination you have the option for an Ordination Certificate for 50% off the requested offering, and benefits of reduced pricing on our courses for life.
Plus early notification of new offerings of the church.
Besides the Lifetime Ordination you may be interested in becoming a "Journeyman Minister" by completing three of our four Self-Study courses:
Posted by James Barger Sr, on 6th Oct 2021
I have been blessed to officiant at the weddings of grandkids and close friends all made possible by the AFC Ordination. The process is easy as can be and very professional.
Posted by Unknown on 13th Dec 2016
A perfect card to announce my Reverend status
Posted by Unknown on 22nd Jun 2015
The process was seamless and allows me to continue my ministry without any interruptions. The American Fellowship Church processed my renewal in a very timely manner and rushed my documents to me in record time. I have the highest regard and praise for the church. God Bless.
Reverend M. Rutledge
Posted by Reverend Susan Beksinski on 14th Sep 2013
After completing all 3 classes, Well-being , Minister Training and Basic Counseling Techniques, I'm proud to now have my lifetime ordination license, thank you American Fellowship Church for making it possible, now when my life settles down I can move forward with my ministry.
Posted by Evangelist Terry Conner - Louisville, KY on 9th Mar 2013
It is a great ministry to allow the Called of GOD to proceed in their calling. Thank You and GOD Bless You All!
Posted by Reverend Eleen Peterson on 29th Sep 2012
My Affiliation with American Fellowship Church, has been a very positive one all together.
Reverend Eli ( and Reverend Ted ) have been extremely helpful and professional.
They are truly a Blessing and always make you feel welcome. I would encourage anyone to join American Fellowship Church. God Bless You and Yours. Reverend Eleen ( NY )
Posted by Reverend Jonathan R. Lane on 11th Aug 2012
It is good that a lifetime ordination license is offered, a step easier than the yearly renewal...
To go along with this a great resource is the online learning. To proclaim the good news of the trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!